Getting Arequipa

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Arequipa Main Page

Distance of Arequipa from other Cities

Cities Distance (KM) Distance (Mile)
Lima- Arequipa 1020 634
Cusco -Arequipa 521 324
Puno- Arequipa 297 185

By Plane

Arequipa airport is only 7 miles away from city. You can reach hotel from Airport by taxi ( around $5.00 fare). NAme of the Arequipa airport is  Aeropuerto Rodriquez Ballon. There are regular flights from Lima, Cusco  and Puno ( Not Puno, actually from Juliaca, there is no Airport in Puno, Juliaca is only 45 km from Puno). IT is not expensive to to reach Arequipa by plane. .  Lan Peru, Aero Condor and Star Peru fly in this route. You can buy tickets at less than 100.00 $ from any of those cities.

By Bus

You can reach Arequipa by bus from Cusco and or Puno. Lima is too far to move by Bus. From Cusco you need 6/7 hours to reach Arequipa. Journey is comfortable. You need only 5 hours to reach Arequipa from Puno. Few years back it took usually 12 hours to reach Puno from Arequipa. But they have constructed a new road, so now you can have a comfortable journey between Arequipa and Puno. Here you can choose between two types of Bus. One is regular service and the other one is Imperial or Royal bus service. Regular service is cheap, like 6-10 $. But service is not very good. They do not have any toilet inside and seats are not comfortable. Adding only few dollars you can enjoy the Imperial service. Imperial service is 15 to 25 $. But they are really good. Seats are really comfortable. English speaking guide, video, sandwich and a lot more are provided in imperial or royal service. I will strongly recommend imperial service.

Now which bus companies you would choose! Different Bus companies are there. Cruze del Sur, Ormeno and Imexso are big companies. There are other bus companies also. For imperial service you can choose Cruz Del Sur or Ormeno, both of them are good.

Website of Bus Companies

Companies Website Comments
Ormeno Only in Spanish language
Imexso You can not buy ticket in Online, but can contact them easily
Cruz Del Sur You can buy ticket online

By Train

There is no regular train service to Arequipa. But if you are in a group 40 or more, you can charter a train from Puno to Arequipa.

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